Tuesday, May 10, 2005

a decision to make

so, I'm thinking about a break from grad school. yes, already. for the summer. I have a lot going on, you see.

I'm going to Charleston, Savannah and Oklahoma in addition to random Virginia and beach trips. Jessica's coming to visit, possibly Renee as well, and then Sterling will be coming east at some point too. Plus there's some Virginia people who may visit.

Ooh, and did I mention I'm thinking of taking graduate thermodynamics over the summer? Say those last six words again... taking--graduate--thermodynamics--over--the--summer. Am I nuts? (that was rhetorical, don't give in to temptation) Should I stop? Who needs a Masters in ChE anyhow? Yeesh.

Keep checking back--I have a wonderful mullet to tell you about. The best one I've ever seen, EVER. And I've lived in North Carolina and Oklahoma. Wowzers.


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