Monday, April 18, 2005


Main Entry: par·al·lax
Pronunciation: 'par-&-"laks
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French parallaxe, from Greek parallaxis, from parallassein to change, from para- + allassein to change, from allos other
: the apparent displacement or the difference in apparent direction of an object as seen from two different points not on a straight line with the object; especially : the angular difference in direction of a celestial body as measured from two points on the earth's orbit

Like a speedometer looking different from the driver’s seat than it does from the passenger’s, right?

Well, maybe that's how life is. Just maybe.

I talked to Justin today. For twenty surprisingly-pleasant minutes. I found out that he's dating four girls at once right now, but he's not especially interested in any of them. And it made me the teensiest bit sad, because he said "but none of them are Carrie." He meant it in a nice way, I think, judging by the way he said it. And it made me remember that he did in fact love me. He just didn't know how to be a husband, and he still doesn't, and he may never.

But it made me a little sad. I don't miss him--not even his funny comments, which I really expected to miss. But it hurt just a little, and made me feel sorry for him.

Operation: Apartment Hunt has begun. I need to get up the nerve to tell Jeff that I'm going to move out. But I think I'm going to let the dust settle first.


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