Friday, February 11, 2005


for a shitty day

In a big f*cking bowl combine:

-3 phone calls from walk-all-over-ya bank concerning a mistake THEY made. (total of 8 calls in 24 hours)
-40 small prickly devices attacking the inside of your forearms (aka an allergy test--I'm allergic to dust, mold, hickory trees and sycamore trees)---hold still for 20 minutes and then rub irritated bumps to measure height. Allow bumps to be itchy and remain for six hours
-1 phone call from a boy you hurt because he fell for you too hard too fast--fiercely stir bowl for duration of call--48 minutes
-3 phone calls to your stupid lawyer about the separation agreement he still can't seem to get right
-2 emails to soon-to-be-ex-husband who is being unreasonable
-4 hours of work on the state of Arizona alone
-1 angry regional guy--who kind of blames you
-1 annual exam (TMI, I know...but it's an integral part of the recipe)
-3 trips to dry cleaners hoping to find one that's less expensive--return to usual cleaner and pay $2.50 a pop
-2.5 hours in car dealership sitting. Let them tell you that the car you want won't be in for three weeks. Let them try to sell you cars with features you don't want in the interest of time. Let them try to sneak past you paperwork locking in the price of the car.
-3 beers
-stir fry
-another 45 minute mean and rude but honest at least convo with too-hard-too-fast guy

let simmer until waaay too hot. Throw in some squeaky strut noises from 90 Honda Accord to agitate. Let sleep so as to not go insane.

Lastly, add a one hour conversation with S.T.B.E.H. (soon-to-be-ex-husband) about laws and what's going on and the symptoms of depression he's manifesting. He wants visitation rights to Gobi and his housemate is slutty. Anyway.

Ooh, on a positive note, I had a few nice things happen. I got all the things finished at work that I wanted to, and I had a nice phone conversation with Otto and Jeff and I had a good talk while watching the end of the NCState game (even though we lost).

A few more factoids:
-yes, I AM picky. damn car salesman. But I know what I want and I'm trying like hell to be patient.
-my heart is not all over the place. it's right here in my chest. It was a grand total of six days. get over it. okay? okay.
-I am not allergic to Gobi or Jack (Jeff's dog). Yay!
-I am still driving my honda. I don't know what I'm doing about that.
-I am very very glad it's Friday. Very glad.
-I want to go to sleep but instead I'm going to get ready for work. ta ta.

I think I'm going to drink a lot this weekend. That's totally the solution to all my problems.

and my damn space bar isn't working right.


SJ said... least your exam went well...?

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