Saturday, January 08, 2005

oh-da-lolly, oh-da-lolly, golly what a day

short version of past six days. I'll write more about my vacation later. Kind of too tired to think at the moment.

came back to good ol' NC. With a 101 fever. Not so cool. ba-dum-ching. Thank goodness for my friend Collin who, upon seeing me in my state of stumbling, watery-eyed, runny-nosed mess, told me to sleep in his guest room.

sick. sick, sick, sick. also ill and not well. huge headache, lots of sleeping, no good. yuck. I can't believe my boss didn't even bat an eye when I took three days off. He's so cool. He just wanted me to get better.

went to work VERY reluctantly. Told eleventy-billion people about my damn sinus infection that technically I've been arguing with since October. No fun.

that's today folks.
I felt much better. I went to work, had TWO Blue Moon drafts at lunch (on special for $2!) and went back to work. And then had one-two-three-four beers in the SCADA lab beginning at 430. Silly Charlie and his silly beer matching idea.
Saw Sideways. I liked it, but it was hard to watch due to my present situation. I was all excited about this movie after I saw I Heart Huckabees in October, but it wasn't nearly as good as I Heart Huckabees. Still liked it though.
And then...dinner. Talked on the phone for way too long and completely overshared. Damn me and my honesty. Honestly, my honesty. Hmm.
And here's the super fun part. So I didn't go out with my work peeps tonight because I need to get well. So I went to bed. Gobi and I were doing some nice cuddling (side note. when people split and there are pets involved, it is unkind to have the pets that you didn't get to take "say hi to their mommie." who the f*ck is he? it made me cry because I miss Mo and Sahara. Also, I find it funny that he knew that I intended to spell mommie with an ie rather than a y, but yet he has no idea what's important to me in life. but I digress...) and the doorbell rang. At 2:27 am. Then I heard some giggles and Jeff's friend Teddy. I stayed in bed. Three minutes later, more doorbell, and I had to get up. So, from thence the party started. About twelve people showed up, were drinking beer and began loudly singing to led zeppelin. And April's sister kept doing the robot and Kevin smoked a cigar. We just sent Kevin back in a taxi about twenty minutes ago. Wow. I tried to be super cool about it, but dammit I'm tired. There was a reason I didn't go out with them tonight. I have been very very sick and I'm still recovering. And now it's 4:33 am sayeth my computer and I've slept for an hour. Nuts.

On a lighter note, I think that Jack (Jeff's dog--who's last name is also M-c-ck, pronounced just like it looks, ha ha) and Gobi (my kitty) are going to be able to live in harmony. Or at least co-habitate without too much trouble. I'm very glad, since I have been keeping my door shut the whole time.

I think I should go to bed. Gobi is sitting watching me type, as he likes to do, and when he looks up at me he can barely hold his eyes open. So it's time to sleep. Goodnight.

I would put a picture of him in here, but I can't figure out how. But he's really damn cute.

goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite.


sadkingjonathan said...


1) I forgive both of us for not following up on drunken (yours) and sober (mine) commitments (I'm drunk now, so forgive the spelling) to call or write or whatever the day after we spoke.

2) Your blog is heartbreaking. And great. You should give us less, though. It makes me wonder what you get to keep.

3) I can't believe anyone else remembers the Point. Me and my arrow. And shit. But, trust in you to remember...

4) Not only can you not take the Oklahoma out, what the hell would you keep it in if you did? But I understand the sentiment. More than most, I think.

You know what I missed when I lived in France? Besides everything ever forever? The Oklahoma sky. But I guess the point is that if you can remember it enough to miss it, then it's still there. The weight of the sky in Oklahoma is probably unique in the world. The idea of it! That the sun hates us, but that the horizon wants us to run after it forever. Treeless, filled with...with...does it matter what it's filled with? People don't read their comments, anyway, J.

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