Thursday, June 05, 2008

falling into place

I would really like to tell you about Maryland. I would. I even have the pictures all shrunk down so I can upload 'em. But as of rightthisminute I just don't have the time.

What I will tell you is that I'm in the midst of a homebuyer's breakdown. This should be a clinical diagnosis or something. At least the stress-induced exhaustion is helping me sleep better. :)

So, still figuring out about the loan. So far today I've talked to my old lender, my new lender, my realtor AND my realtor's boss. A little bit crazy.

It's sticky--my old lender did work for me, incurred costs, etc. She basically tried to guilt me into staying with her for that reason. It sucked, but at least I was prepared for it, and I could say "I have to look out for my own best interest. And keeping that 4k in my pocket while making the same monthly payment is in my best interest."

I'm waiting from stuff from new lender to send to old lender so she can try to give me an apples-to-apples estimate, but really? If she can make everything so much better now then why didn't she do it before??? siiiiigh.

Still waiting to hear back about the Gobes. He did get a clean bill of health and he's gained 3 ounces, which is really good 'cause he's a skinny mini kitty. I feel like maybe the people who told me he would only live until he was 5 were totally crazy, and that maybe he'll live a lot longer after all. Maybe.

I hope so.

They now want me to have two litter boxes, maybe even three and buy this feliway stuff to help with the transition. My kitties are stressed out, too! Yikes.

Um, that's the update. By the end of today I should know who my lender is and how my cat is and if I'm lucky, I'll eat some mcalisters for dinner and get some packing done. I cannot believe that I'm closing in 11 days and moving in 22. wow.

just wow.


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