Tuesday, July 03, 2007

not to put too fine a point on it: say i'm the only bee in your bonnet

make a little birdhouse in your soul.
~tmbg (who I luuurrrrrrve)

so, things.

my granny is out of surgery just fine. she got out yesterday afternoon. there were some complications--she had a hernia--and they couldn't do the little incisions like they'd planned so her recovery will be awful. the doctor also said that the tumor was cancer and that we won't know until thursday or friday night at the earliest what stage it's in. stage 1 or 2 they'll treat her and any worse than that they'll just make her comfy.

i wish i were still in tulsa so I could give her a hug.

positive things: she's aware and she knows who people are, she has feeling in her limbs and she didn't have a stroke over the night which was a big fear of hers.

also, I went to the airport yesterday and spoke to the baggage claim lady. she was nice and helpful but my camera isn't in raleigh--it just so happens that the flight attendant from my flight was in there too, and she said she didn't take a camera off the plane. now I have to hold out hope that whoever sat in my seat next found it during the flight and turned it in.

odds of that? not so good. but we can see.

so, as y'all know, I cannot possibly survive without a camera. which might sound insane to you, but it's so so so true. and I go to atlantic city and philly a week from sunday and I'm sure as heck not going without a camera.

so, I've picked out the camera options. I've decided that I really like the screen that angles, so I'm sticking with canon's 600 series. and it's really just a matter of whether I need the 10mp or can settle for the 8mp. That and the black body and the remote ability to take a picture are pretty much the only difference.

will I use the remote? maybe. will I even notice the 2mp difference? possibly, but I don't know that I *need* it. especially when I wasn't even planning on buying a new camera yet...

le sigh.

so, here are the contenders. I was looking at their A710 too since it has a 6x zoom and image stabilization, but it's bigger and doesn't have the screen tilt thingie and I really do love that.

at least these are the upgrade from my old camera. and I'm excited about that part, I just wish I had the SD card still. guess I'm going to be more anal about downloading photos now. cameras break and disappear and all--that just happens, and they're replacable. but the pictures? not so much. bummer and a half.

my only ray of hope and sunshine is that one day a long time ago adam got his little green suitcase back. hopefully I'll be so lucky.


Anonymous said...

8mp. Unless you're doing large prints (larger than 11x14).

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