Monday, January 08, 2007

I got a chip on my shoulder and a halo on my head, I’m an angel with an attitude and my favorite color’s red.

~the ditty bops.

I am (still) completely in the mood to quote songs. Maybe I’ll stop saying who the lyrics are by and see if y’all can figure it out without google or goodsearch, and dole out prizes. OR maybe not. That could get complicated.


So last night I had a very sad and pathetic dream. I was seeing all these beautiful pictures just waiting to be taken—very similar to those commercials where there’s a frame and they pull it away and reveal the image? Yeah, that. All of these skies and clouds and trees and all, and these incredible shadows, and me, without my camera. So in my dream I tried to take a mental picture, and go home and paint it, only to find that my paintings turned out terribly. Apparently my mind couldn’t remember enough detail. And then I woke up--nine minutes before my alarm was set to go off.

crappy crappy dream.

Also, I’m feeling a little torn.

On one hand, National KayDee gave me money to take classes this school year, and I feel obligated to use the money, since I got it over other people who applied.

On the other hand, I did rather crappily in my class last semester, and I feel that taking online classes is doing me a disservice—I’m not doing well, and it’s stressing me out, and its lowering my GPA.

and I don’t exactly know what to do. Which is pretty frustrating.

On a happier note, I’ve got some potentially positive news on the roommate front. Nothing definitive yet, but she came to see the room last week and liked it. So [cross your fingers for me please] I think she wants to move in, and now we’re to the paperwork stage. I would love love love to get this all figured out ASAP.

And now it’s time to return to my regularly scheduled programming. Of plating, plating, plating.


Jax said...

HOORAY for the roommate stuff!! As for the class shiznit...go with your gut..even if it doesnt seem logical. that is my new plan.. and has to do with my "project." You see, I cannot POST about my project b/c it would not be smart. I chatted about it with ya a bit at Brooke's...just a change. :)How do you even FIND roomates? Post it on craig's list?? not that i need one, just sayin..

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