Sunday, December 10, 2006

do you want to know a secret, do you promise not to tell...

whoa oh, oh.
Let me whisper in your ear...

pssst! psssst! hey you...yeah, if you're reading my blog right now, and you comment, and you've been reading since september-ish or longer, then chances are that you have influenced the most recent decision in the carrie-is-trying-to-figure-out-her-life book. I’m sure it will always be a work in progress, but it’s nice to have made some. So, anyhoo…

in the past few weeks I’ve been trying to step back and evaluate what’s going on with me—what I want, what I need, what I’m doing what I should do…and I realized that my actions (or lack thereof) were speaking so much louder than my words. Sooo…

new plan. I’m going to just finish my master’s.
And I’m not going to do it online. I’ll go somewhere that will transfer my credits or continue at NC State. I’m about to finish my third class, and I was hoping to take another one this spring—so that’s over a semester’s worth of coursework completed, and it would be a shame to lose it. And I’ll find a way to take photography classes too. So I’ll do both—grad school AND photography.

It’s not like I want to BE a photographer.
At least, that’s not a factor in the plan. I just want to learn how to do it better.

And I don’t think I want a PhD anymore. Part of it is having nothing to prove, and part of it is just not having the need/desire. I do know I want to learn more about materials science, because I think it’s really interesting. But for now, at least, I’m not sure enough of anything to make that kind of a commitment.

so I guess I owe some of you a thank you because, well, if it weren’t for your encouragement and positive reinforcement I might have started down a path that wasn’t the one for me.
so thanks for offering opinions, making purchases and being so darn supportive! :)

hugs and kisses for all of you.
And, if it’s cold where you are, then hot chocolate too!


Turner said...

My phone is always on, my door is always open and my shoulder will always have a spot open for you. I already told you this, but I just want to reitterate: anything you do, so long as you're happy, is okay with any and all of your friends and loved ones. we all want you to be happy - wherever or however that may be.

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