Friday, August 18, 2006

snakes on a mother-effing plane.

it's more than a movie: it's a phrase. and it makes me giggle. and apparently the movie is pretty good, and funny when it should be, and best to see with an audience. it's a good thing to say, I think. and likely less offensive if you don't use the naughty twelve letter word.

Very useful, dontchaknow?

Stuck in traffic? snakes on a plane.

Thirsty in the airport but only have fifteen minutes before your plane boards therefore meaning you'll have to chug that bottle of water you just paid three dollars for? snakes on a plane.

Scratched the paint on your car?snakes on a plane.

Your boyfriend is traveling for the umpteenth week out of umpteen plus one weeks? snakes on a plane.

Digital camera batteries outta juice? snakes on a plane.



why. won't. the. clock. move. faster. ???

I am t-double-i-triple-r-e-d. tiirrred.

mary alise and I stayed up waaaay past our respective bedtimes. we had a lot of fun, but we're sure paying for it now. I cannot wait to nap and then hopefully have dinner with my durham friends! (crosses fingers)


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