Monday, March 14, 2005

uh huh this my sh*t

All the girls stomp your feet like this.

no, really.

So, the new Gwen Stefani album is well, um...catchy? It does get stuck in your head. It was touted as 80's-'riffic. And it is, I guess. But were the 80's that 80-'riffic? I mean, other than the cool people born then. Riiiiight. Anyway.

Ethics are so odd. So odd. It baffles me that, well, say you have a chemical process with nasty stuff coming out of it. And you put a scrubber on the back end to clean the stuff coming out, but that scrubber is getting plugged and it isn't working well. But it's been there a long time. And so some gung-ho hot shot engineer gets all pumped and decides to design a new system, and it is implemented. It's a bazillion times better than before. Even when that old scrubber is working properly, and is at its fully capacity, it is still crummy compared to this new system.

But by cleaning up the air, you've actually put yourself in bigger trouble. You see, upgrading that system might have been ethical, but it wasn't legal if you didn't go through the crazy mumbo-jumbo with the state, city, etc. And for your trouble your company is being fined $10,000 per day since that change was implemented, up until when/if it is approved by the city/state, etc.


Also, odd. Why in the world are all the women on 24 sneaky, conniving, bitchy, power hungry and flighty. And why are they so driven by their emotions? I mean, I admit that I have moments of being all those things, but it's super over the top. And the real question is this--who's writing the female characters this way? Is it the men, making a statement? Or is it the women, showing the "potential" of females in the workforce or something like that? Odd.

Women are strong, but geez. That's waaaay too much.

gotta watch the rest of my lecture. stupid test. I hope I get to take it before the CFT adventure begins!


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