Wednesday, April 16, 2008

the beast awakens.

um, er...I totally just spoke to the GS ladies in Tulsa and told them I don't want to fill out their stinkin' form for that thousand buck scholarship I got in college. This is the FIFTH one. For the love. Thank you kindly for the money, get out of my face. I suggested that they consider a)requesting this info via email, b)giving people more notice (they wrote the letter on the 4th and wanted it monday), c)not hating on the environment. I kindly recommended that they STOP the mailing and go with something electronic and give me the option of updating it online or at the very least emailing it to them. For Pete's sake. I mean, I know little old ladies may not email, but COME ON.

and. I just emailed my church and said "um.....can you please give people the option to receive the newsletter electronically? it's like six pages of overbleached paper with enviro-unfriendly ink and it creates CO2 just getting to my mailbox. PLUS it would save you money. Except they're a non-profit, and bulk mail is extra cheap for them. But seriously. They said they've considered it for a while and that they did it briefly but people complained and they want to use bulk mail. they also said that since people wanted the paper version it wasn't wasting paper. I resisted the urge to say "um, no, it is TOTALLY wasting paper. what it isn't doing is costing you more to send it to the 500 people than it would to send it to, like 300 or whatever because of bulk mail. it's saving money and wasting paper, people. roll with it." I asked them to take me off whenever the newsletters are available as a pdf again, pretty please, unless it would create a mail merge nightmare.


where did this come from? I am the evil monster of the environment. The evil environment protector? Mean chick with a leetle too much knowledge and a significant lack of sleep? Hmm. Whatever. I wasn't mean, so I think I'm good. :)


Maria said...

You are being the change you want to see in the world, and I think that is a great thing! :)

M. said...

I work for a nonprofit that sends out a newsletter (we do used recycled paper, at least!). We tried a big marketing campaign for people to sign up to receive it electronically. No takers. People just like paper, I guess. Maybe they could put an image on it requesting people to please recycle when they've finished using it?

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