Saturday, July 21, 2007


thanks sjg. I see a future username coming from that new moniker you've coined. :)

I'm sitting here on my new eighty dollar couch waiting (im)patiently for the kind ups man to deliver my very own copy of harry potter. someone needs to come up with a term for this--anticipotteration? I dunno. I'm not a word-maker-upper, so sue me.

last night was Mary Alise and Michael's going away thingamajigger. And it was fun. I lurrrve digital cameras! and here are those obligatory pics--which I'll email y'all el pronto, don't worry. the enchiladas were a hit and so was the pinata--ba-dum-ching.

and more fun as well... i'm not sure how well I did with this youtube thing but I'll figure it out eventually, right?

okay, time to get some stuff done. if I can't read some harry potter then I might as well do other productive things. y'know, like cleaning...le sigh.


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