Monday, April 16, 2007

and why not? it worked in blazing saddles!

from robin hood men in tights

well, this sure explains a lot.

also? achoo! it has been a sniffly weekend. I woke up on Sunday with a horrid sinus headache (stupid rain) and then sniffled my way through the afternoon. I kept sneezing in church! And last night, while on the phone, I heard the telltale sniffling on the other end of the line. while at the wedding, at Kim's last night, everywhere, sniffle sniffly sniff.

but yeah, T-town is the ruler of all things allergies, it seems. Figures. My mom so needs to move.

Oh, and last night was a wonderful way to end the weekend--deeelish food and excellent company at Kim's. I cannot believe it--I ate THREE helpings! Plus, girl time is always fun. :) and after some phone time I went to sleep all snuggled with the cats. which really just makes me wish I were still in bed! I REALLY didn't want to get up today!

also, I've been craving this, recently. I blame my mother, for sure.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we play softball tonight. It's been coooooold here but I really want to play! So far we're still on, but who knows how that will turn out. and does anyone have any gloves? my hands are FREEZING in my cube-o-doom.


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