Wednesday, August 30, 2006

lessons learned from molecules

Sometimes it’s more stable to fall apart than to stay together.

Last, after the forty-minute installation of my new printer (since Hazel broke the old one--the cat's curiosity killed the printer?!? riiight. anyhoo) I began watching my lecture. Mostly high school/freshman in college chem about atomic structure, with a bit of orientation stuff thrown in for kicks. And then I learned a lesson from salt--from NaCl being cleaved or smushed. An outside stress or force acting upon it, pretty much out of its control...that sometimes the most rational thing to do is fall completely apart.

Which kind of made sense to me--it hit home. Sometimes I get reaaaallllly annoyed with people telling me to calm down, or be more reserved, or to stop thinking about it. There are times when "take a deep breath" or "sleep on it" make things even worse. I know that sometimes they're right. They ARE. But other times? Othertimes the best thing for Carrie--and probably the best thing for some of you too--is to lose it, just for a little while. Not go-off-the-deep- end lose it, but let those tears out, or rip something only-semi-important-and-definitely-replaceable, or yell, or scream, or eat that icecream or chocolate, or go kick-boxing, or whatever you have to do to make yourself feel better that isn't harmful to yourself or others.

because sometimes, once in a while, that's the smartest, best, most correct thing to do. anyone who tells you differently is selling something. and it's probably mood-altering.


sadkingjonathan said...

My grandfather Sanzalone has a sun allergy. He gets hives when he gets out in the sun. He ignores them, but the rest of us can't. Especially with his shirt off. Glad you don't have lupus.

Renee B. said...

sometimes a breakdown is just you need. it's easier to pick up the pieces when you where they are. and then you can move on.

Anonymous said...

Think of the saltines!!!!

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